
Overtongue, 2021


Language has infested the world. It is a virus that has spread everywhere and infiltrated us. In Overtongue, Michelle Moura plays with confusion of meaning and the disembodied voice, which can be read as a response to the information chaos and increasing polarization of our time. The choreographer uses ventriloquism as a tool to deal with an unusual sensuality of the voice. With an enraptured, misleading language and physical as well as vocal dissociations, she composes body landscapes that are characterized by the mechanical and grotesque. In the performance, the chimerical body is a network that is possessed by voices and speaking tongues – and at the same time becomes something else: perhaps alive, perhaps dead.


A linguagem tem infestado o mundo. É um vírus que se espalhou por todo o lado e que se infiltrou em nós. Overtongue da coreógrafa brasileira Michelle Moura, sediada em Berlim, trata da voz desencarnada e da confusão de significado como resposta ao caos informativo e à polarização do nosso tempo. A coreógrafa usa o ventriloquismo como ferramenta para se envolver com uma sensorialidade invulgar da voz. Compõe paisagens corporais marcadas pela mecânica e pelo grotesco, usando uma linguagem delirante e escorregadia, dissociações físicas e vocais, e transformações. Nesta peça, o corpo quimérico é uma rede, possuído por vozes e línguas faladas. Está em processo de se tornar noutra coisa: talvez vivo, talvez morto.



Choreography and performance: Michelle Moura
Dramaturgy: Maikon K
Texts: Maikon K, Michelle Moura
Sound: Kaj Duncan David
Light : Annegret Schalke
Costumes: Thelma Bonavita
A production by Michelle Moura
Co-produced by CND Centre National de la Danse Pantin (Paris - FR) and Something Great (Berlin - DE) with the kind support of Sophiensaele (Berlin - DE)
Distribution: Something Great (Berlin - DE)
Residencies: Vooruit (Gent - BE), STUK - House for Dance, Image and Sound (Leuven - BE), Fabrik Potsdam (Postdam - BE), Tanzhaus Zurich (Zürich - CH), Traumabarundkino (Berlin - DE) and Lake Studios (Berlin - DE)
Acknowledgements: Mateusz Szymanówka and all the Sophiensaele team, Alejandro Ahmed, Faetusa Tirzah, Fernando Marés, Greice Barros and Nadja Naira





SESC Av Paulista, São Paulo, BR




Sophiensale, Berlin



Tanzplattform Deutschland 2022. Sophiensaele, Berlin.


25 + 26.06.2021


Mostra Internacional de Artes Performativas de Almada TRANSBORDA, PT


Overtongue - Internal showing (due to COVID not open to general audience)

Sophiensaele, Berlin


Overtongue (POSTPONED)

Tanztage Festival, Sophiensaele, Berlin